Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Next Training Course...

For anyone who reads my blog and interested in joining us for a 2 day intensive wedding photography training course then the next one is on the Monday the 22nd and Tuesday 23rd of March. The course is a 2 day including shooting with models, I can't promise such dramatic weather as we had in Turkey but I can promise lots of new tips and techniques. I will also be sharing the way I achieve lighting such as in the Turkey shots below so that you may put this into practice in your own work.

For more details look at the training pages of our website or call Jo or I at the studio on:
0117 972 0834

My training course in Turkey at PTO

When teaching at PTO in Turkey I continued the theme started in London of shooting in low light levels and using off camera flash for dramatic results. Here are just a few of the shots taken over the 4 workshops I ran.

Models Sasha and Simon certainly became aware of the terrible weather we had whilst modeling for my classes.

Sorry Guys!!

My Superclass photos from the SWPP Convention 2010

This year at the SWPP Convention I ran a 2 hour Masterclass and a 4 hour practical Superclass. Jo was my long suffering model for the event, we had a full class with 10 delegates where I demonstrated off camera flash and taking images in low light situations. We finished with street photography with only £2.99 lights as our aid!

For more on my lighting courses please visit the training pages of my website:

PTO in Turkey

This year I was lucky enough to be invited out to Turkey with PTO (Photo Training Overseas) as one of their lecturers. PTO is a wonderful organisation run by George and Glenys Dawber who organise annual training events in a different overseas locations. 100 or so photographers (and families often too) are presented with a variety of fantastic speakers and hands on Masterclasses for a full week. The beauty of this sort of training event is the networking you do (mainly in the bar!) with other photographers as well as attending the Workshops and lectures.

While I was there I got a little time to nip off with some of the other people to see a little of Turkey. Here are just a few of the images I made:

Photographer and fellow lecturer Mike Brookes-Roper hard at work!

Mike again with my good friends Jeff and Lyn from Albums Australia.

Turkey is a fascinating and wonderful place just littered with Roman ruins including this amphitheater that is still used and can sit 15,000 people. A truly special place with really great people, I will definitely return.....