Saturday, 22 December 2007

New's official!

As the rumours abound, it is time to let all know that we have now moved into our new studio premises. To all who came to our launch evening last week, thank you for your support, and thank you for coming. Below are a few images of the conversion work undertaken and the new finished studio.

It was so good to see so many people at the launch, friends, family, clients and to my good friend James and the guys from Create and Construct who carried out the work, and also came armed with flowers and 2 bottles of champagne to help the party go well.

anyway, to the pictures.....

The Outside: It looks even better without the car!

The Conversion..... This wall now supports itself.....

...We now even have a staircase... upstairs is the office where Jo and I slave over a hot computer....

The finished product.... I decided to keep the warehouse feel, it is a great space with lots of light, I even did a daylight shoot here in November. I am looking forward to seeing how many different ways I can use the space....

Although open plan, this end is the 'studio', having so much space means that it is very adaptable.

A spacious meeting area means that we have had room to make it is comfortable and homely. The stone floor has underfloor heating, so even photographing children in the middle of the winter is warm and comfortable....

I hope you will all drop in and have a look (or a shoot) soon!


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